The fun never ends! We’re continuing on the journey of game development and could use your help!
Yacht Club Games Is Hiring!

The fun never ends! We’re continuing on the journey of game development and could use your help!
World class platforming, music, storytelling, and art all return in Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows, available now to all owners of Shovel Knight! Pick up the FREE DLC on your platform of choice – Wii U, 3DS, Xbox One, PS4, PS Vita, PS3, Windows/Mac/Linux (Steam, GOG, Humble)! Extract the potion’s key ingredients from Plague Knight’s former allies… the villainous knights of the Order of No Quarter! Take on the explosive quest with a new play style, new story, new bosses, and more!
Whoah whoah whoah whoah megaton announcement approaching! I hope you’re ready! Are you ready? No? Too bad – here we go!
We talked last time about creating character mobility that featured a learning curve for the player. Now that we have the basics established, we can show you some tips and tricks to master the mobility to get the most out of it.
During development, the basics being fleshed out allowed for us to design and implement more polish and tighter control. If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out part 1 to learn about the Plague Knight character’s core move set, or read the instruction manual to know more about Plague Knight’s campaign.
One thing to remember – these tricks are not required to beat the game! We designed the basic mobility so it was entirely enough to get you through the game without all the bells and whistles. But isn’t mastering mobility fun?
Developing the Plague of Shadows expansion to Shovel Knight has been quite the tricky experience for us here at Yacht Club Games. We’ve never had the pleasure of continuously building new content for a complete, existing title before. When we pitched an all new playable boss campaign during the game’s Kickstarter, we were thinking of something small along the lines of Mega Man Powered Up: a simple character swap with a slight mobility change or a new ability between the boss characters. Of course, we wanted it to be fun and exciting…so we decided to go bigger!
All hail the Troupple King, the king of fish and fruit! Long may his stem grow! You’ve never heard of the Troupple King?! Half trout and half apple! If you ever visit his grotto, hold your chalice aloft! The Troupple King will APPEAR and bless you with a sacred dance! As it happens, I have been entrusted to send word of Troupple King Plushies to believers! Would you like one?
Did you like that trailer yesterday? Hope so! We wanted to share the Plague of Shadow’s instruction manual a tad early so you can arm yourself with knowledge!
Plague of Shadows Is Almost Here! Trailer Time!
Greetings Shovelers and Soon-To-Be Alchemists! This next week is sure to be an exciting one, including the MEGATON reveal we promised… so let’s jump right in! First, watch this trailer and weep.
It’s been a year since Shovel Knight dug into the hearts of people everywhere. Can you believe it? With more than 700,000 copies sold and over 100 awards including many Game of the Year accolades, Shovel Knight’s phenomenal success is something we never dreamed possible. Now, we’re ready to take the next step: into the REAL WORLD!!
That’s right! We’ve heard the demand, and now we have our biggest megaton announcement yet!!