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Feat Unlocked: One Million Copies of Shovel Knight Sold!

We’re excited to share some amazing news! A major milestone! Our quest to a million copies sold is complete! In December 2015, Shovel Knight surpassed one million copies sold total, and as of this February, Shovel Knight passed a million copies sold only digitally! Thank you everyone for your unending support. We couldn’t be happier that Shovel Knight is still loved and played years after its release. To celebrate it crossing a million, we’ll be discounting Shovel Knight at 33% off for a week at various times this month on every store it’s released on (Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Sony PS4, Sony PS3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Steam, GOG, Humble Store, and Amazon Fire TV). If you haven’t picked it up, now’s the time! We’re also launching some new PS4, PS Vita, and Nintendo 3DS themes to join in the celebration! It’s like a whole new suit of armor for your system.

We hope to share a little bit of what we’ve learned over the past couple years of both making a game like Shovel Knight and maintaining it after release. As we’ve done in the past, below you’ll find a breakdown of Shovel Knights sales. Hopefully players and developers alike can find something to learn from this info!

(For the historians, all info on this page is as of April 1st, 2016.)


Shovel Knight in Japan!

One knight’s journey around the world is almost complete! We’re happy to announce that Shovel Knight will be releasing in Japan on the Wii U and 3DS eShop! We have been looking for a publisher, and we think we found a great one…

It’s Nintendo!


Couple new jobs!

Added a few more job posts: we’re looking for a senior programmer and QA lead. Check out the listings and tell any friends or family who would be interested:


Happy holidays everyone!


amiibo Instruction Manual

Have your Shovel Knight amiibo at the ready? Good! Because the big amiibo Update is now live on European Wii U and Nintendo 3DS’s everywhere! Read our Update Guide for more on how to get up-to-date! This newest patch is Version 2.1! Don’t have a Shovel Knight amiibo? If you are in Europe (except for the UK) go to a store right now and get one!

UK Players: Sorry for the amiibo release date delay. Latest we know, the little guy is trying to make his way out of customs! Once we get official clearance, we’ll shout it to everyone! Unfortunately, we have little information on what the hold up is or when the amiibo will be released. We apologize for the mishandled dates, and we hope to get it in everyone’s hands soon!

North American Players: This update will still be releasing on North American systems in North America by January 8th, 2016 to coincide with the release date of the amiibo. For more info and what to expect, check our big amiibo update.


Plague of Shadows: Crafting Perfect Mechanics

Gather around, fellow scientists! Let’s talk about Plague of Shadows, the free update to Shovel Knight where you play as Plague Knight on his own adventure! Making games can be a winding road and we wanted to talk about where our travels have taken us while we put together the latest campaign. If you haven’t yet read about the mobility changes that went into Plague Knight, be sure to check out our previous articles.


amiibo Preview!

Happy Holidays Shovelers and Shovelettes! We hear you’ve been wondering…when is the Shovel Knight amiibo hitting store shelves? What can I actually do with the amiibo? How does it all work?! Well, we’re here today to finally unearth all the answers to your amiibo questions. We’ve been hard at work the past year making the amiibo figure and content feel unique and special, and we’re excited to show off the first footage! That’s right – it’s trailer time!


Shovel Knight on Amazon Fire TV

With all the recent Plague of Shadows hubbub, some really cool news may have passed you by. Surprise – Shovel Knight is coming to the new Amazon Fire TV Gaming edition- and not only that, but it’s a pack-in!


Retail Update

What’s up Shovelers and Plague Doctors! Enjoying Plague of Shadows? With this update, we’re slingin’ accurate information about Shovel Knight, soon to be the hottest game on retail shelves!

There’s been some tumult with the physical version release of Shovel Knight. You may have noticed storefronts changing wildly lately…and that’s because a lot of decisions have been being made internally to help make this release possible. Retailers and websites tend to update their information at different times to keep their side up-to-date, but we wanted to make sure we had absolutely certain information before laying out the facts. We also wanted to be sure to explore all possible solutions too. So for all those looking for answers, here they are!
