We’re super excited to announce the blue fellow with horns will be teaming up with the green bloke with no pants! That’s right- Shovel Knight will be digging in to the highly anticipated 3D platforming collect-em-up, Yooka-Laylee! The blue borrower is quite the chameleon these days, showing up in so many cool games, he’ll surely fit right in! We’re so ecstatic for this collaboration between Yacht Club Games and Playtonic Games! Check out a little teaser below:
Shovel Knight + Yooka Laylee
Whoahhh!!!! Isn’t it amazing to see Shovel Knight rendered in 3D?! It was a team effort too! Our very own Sean Velasco made all the funny noises for Shovel Knight’s voice. Is that what Shovel Knight really sounds like?
Yacht Club Games designed and built the model itself while Playtonic rigged and animated it to life. Shovel Knight sure looks comfortable in a 3D world. Who knows…maybe one day we’ll see Shovel Knight running and jumping around his very own 64-styled adventure! Wouldn’t that be neat?
We hope you all pickup Yooka-Laylee when it releases this spring and enjoy enlisting Shovel Knight’s aid on your journey to collect all of those Pagies! We know we can’t wait to jump in. Until then, bide your time by checking out even more about what’s happening at Playtonic and Yacht Club Games: