Cyber Shadow: Out Now!

Historically, cheats were discovered and documented by brave explorers and shared among the community in whispers. Today, we are ecstatic to reveal the complete Cheat Database for every adventure in the Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove collection! Whether you’re looking to adjust the challenge or add a little extra spice to your next playthrough, try out these new ways to play!
Shovel Knight is a game which draws on what we loved about designs from the 80s. But some of those 80s concepts can be a bit outmoded today, especially in regards to gender. After making some missteps with previous projects, we wanted to make sure that Shovel Knight was more inclusive and not so regressive. That’s one of the reasons we worked to make Shield Knight’s character an equal partner to Shovel Knight, someone he fights alongside at the end, instead of just a ‘damsel in distress’.
Shovel Knight is a game being initially released on 3 platforms: Nintendo Wii U, 3DS, and PC (Steam, Humble Store). Creating a new version of Shovel Knight isn’t as easy as pressing a button; taking on a new platform is no simple feat! Each new device brings new specs, controls, quirks, expectations, and features which need to be considered across the game. We don’t just want our game to run on the system, we want it to feel at home there too! So…when it came time to develop Shovel Knight on Wii U, we were already brainstorming about the wild world of Miiverse!