What’s up Shovelers and Plague Doctors! Enjoying Plague of Shadows? With this update, we’re slingin’ accurate information about Shovel Knight, soon to be the hottest game on retail shelves!
There’s been some tumult with the physical version release of Shovel Knight. You may have noticed storefronts changing wildly lately…and that’s because a lot of decisions have been being made internally to help make this release possible. Retailers and websites tend to update their information at different times to keep their side up-to-date, but we wanted to make sure we had absolutely certain information before laying out the facts. We also wanted to be sure to explore all possible solutions too. So for all those looking for answers, here they are!
Release Date Change
November 3rd for North America, October 30th for Europe
The final few steps of the Plague of Shadows content took a little longer than expected, but it was important to us that this update to be on the disc/cart right out of the box! Unfortunately that meant we had to push back the date just a little a bit. Luckily, all of the teams throughout the various console manufacturing steps have been really helpful in reducing this knock-on delay as much as possible.
Xbox One Retail Version Cancelled

With extremely heavy hearts, we’re sad to announce there will not be an Xbox One physical version this holiday. We really gave it our best effort, but unfortunately, because of publishing policies on that platform that are totally beyond our control, we couldn’t make it happen. We’re very sorry…we know there is a lot of interest – the pre-orders were really good and we thank everyone for their support!
We’ll keep fighting to get a retail version on Xbox One, but as of now, the boxed version is in indefinite limbo. The digital version of Shovel Knight on Xbox One is already available and will, of course, continue to receive new updates and our full support!
Price Change for Physical version – now $24.99
In an unexpected turn of events, we’ve had to raise the price of our game to $24.99. Although everyone initially agreed to a $19.99 price point, some retailers ran into trouble with limited space to show off their wares, and the rules in place about where games with certain prices are displayed. We didn’t want our ‘bargain priced’ game to go straight to the bargain bin of obscurity, so we had to raise the price.

No Shovel Knight! You've dug too far!
However, we didn’t want anyone to feel as if they were getting hoodwinked just because of our retail situation! If you have already pre-ordered Shovel Knight, your retailer should honor the original price!
We’ve been working hard every day to ensure the physical version is a welcome addition to your game library. From box cover to disc to full color instruction manual. Lastly, to make the package even more compelling at its new price, we’ve added even more!
Physical version comes with Digital Soundtrack!!
All versions of the physical release will now come with a free soundtrack download. We know this is a bit redundant, as the soundtrack is ‘pay what you want’ online, but this provides a guilt free way to formally obtain the full, high-quality version of the soundtrack for free! Hopefully, it also gets Jake Kaufman’s beautiful soundtrack into more people’s hands for those people who are unaware of Bandcamp!
Vita Version – Not Yet!
Many of you have expressed your enthusiasm in seeing a retail Vita version happen! While we can confirm one won’t be shipping this holiday, we are still working our hardest to make it possible! Hang in there a bit longer, and hopefully we can make something happen! In the meantime, if you want to play Shovel Knight on your Vita right now, the digital version is available for download at right this very moment!
Shovel Knight amiibo Update!?!
For all those wondering about all things Shovel Knight amiibo, we hope to have more updates soon. We’re still pinning down a final release date. As soon as we know, you’ll know! Many have asked for us to open up preorders in North America — and so do know that we are considering it. Hopefully when we announce the release date we’ll have more info on that front!
Alright, that’s all we’ve got for today. Let us know if you have any questions about what’s happening at retail! Hope everyone is enjoying the Plague of Shadows content!