With all the recent Plague of Shadows hubbub, some really cool news may have passed you by. Surprise – Shovel Knight is coming to the new Amazon Fire TV Gaming edition- and not only that, but it’s a pack-in!

Amazon Fire TV Gaming Edition!

Why Amazon Fire TV?

It all began more than a year ago. Amazon came to us with a proposal to bring Shovel Knight to Amazon Fire TV.

Initially, we were a bit skeptical! After all, streaming media players don’t exactly have a great reputation as gaming platforms, and we always demand that Shovel Knight is paired with a great controller. We voiced these concerns, telling Amazon that if these concerns were addressed, we’d happily be the first game on that system!

Well, lo and behold, they did it! Amazon came back to us with a very slick piece of hardware, and promised to ship Shovel Knight in every box with a great controller. We got our hands on the new hardware, OS, and controller – and we were extremely impressed. Shovel Knight works perfectly, with no compromises, on the Fire TV!

We couldn’t be happier to be included with the Fire TV Gaming Edition, and we hope anyone in the market for an affordable streaming machine or console picks it up. It even comes packed in with Ducktales Remastered, too…some of the team at Yacht Club Games worked on that game!

Porting to Amazon Fire TV

Finally, we wanted to share a little about the development process porting to Android. Because Android is a bit out of our wheelhouse, we had an experienced and professional friend of ours, Nate Trost, tackle the port. He did an amazing job, and he wrote up a great post about what went into the port. Make sure you read it if you want to learn more about the nuances and challenges in doing a high quality port.

Fire TV Porting Process

Hope you like the news! If you have an Amazon Fire TV, make sure to pick up Shovel Knight today!