Supporting controllers on Steam and PCs is extremely difficult! Unfortunately, there’s no uniform way to handle support on any platform, whether it be Windows, Linux, or OS X.  None of them have figured out a unified way to read in controllers, so we’re taking it into our own hands to manually add support for every controller.

If you have a controller that doesn’t work with the current version of the Steam game, or we haven’t released the game on your platform yet, you can go to the following pages depending on your operating system of choice to help us:

Windows: Controller Binding Page for Windows

Mac OSX: Controller Binding Page for Mac

Linux: Controller Binding Page for Linux

If you wanted to be even MORE helpful, you could try out all your other weirdo controllers and enter them too! Each controller that you enter, we can make work with Shovel Knight on Steam and PC! Here are the controllers we have so far: Controller Binding Database

PS If you are still having troubles or we haven’t updated the game to support your controller yet, you can beat us to it by doing the following: 1) Open Steam, go into Big Picture Mode 2) open Settings 3) configure your controller bindings and finally 4) boot up Shovel Knight!