Hey guys!  Welcome to our new site.  We actually finished developing this months ago, but we’ve been so preoccupied with making the game that we didn’t have any time to launch it!  Hopefully, this will become our new home for pushing out news and other exciting stuff to you guys.  The site was created by Jeffrey Simon of Gray Oak Productions, check him out when you get a chance!

We just wanted to take a moment and point out some features of the website we thought were pretty neat.  First, look at this hilarious style guide that Jeff created for us to let us know what kind of stuff was possible in our blog system.  Warning! It’s hipster to the max.  Notice how we can post all kinds of wonderful stuff like pictures, videos, music, and even code!

A couple other cool things you might not notice:

  • Our comments are done with Disqus so you can use all your fancy commenting techniques you know from other sites.  We’ll be as proactive responding to these comments as the Kickstarter, so don’t be afraid to write stuff directly to us.
  • The Twitch.tv flag you see in the top right; that isn’t just any old normal flag.  If we happen to be streaming when you are looking at the site, that flag will flash red to alert you to some awesome stream you should be joining in on rather than looking at this silly static site!
  • The Twitter feed on the main page actually updates live.  So if you get retweeted, jump over to our site to see how famous you are!  Just kidding, no one here is famous, ha!
  • If you change the width of your window, the website changes size to match it!  There’s even a tiny version just for your mobile device.
  • Everything is color coded and silly.  Notice how the title of the post matches the link color in the header, slideshow, and more bar.
  • We have an RSS Feed!  Not sure if anyone uses these anymore, but hey, we made one.

Well, that’s about it.  Let us know if you have anything you’d like to see on the site ( a store, forums, etc ) or if you have any issues.  Hopefully, this will tide you over until our first game comes out!