Hey! You there! Shovel Knight is now available on Linux through Steam! No longer must you brave the perils of emulators, virtual machines, dual booting, or what-have-you to do battle against the forces of evil. Now that Windows, Mac and Linux are all released, you can play Shovel Knight on your system(s) of choice! For those who obtained the game through Humble Bundle or GOG, we’ll be uploading new standalone Linux builds later today.
In other news…
Europe/Australia – Certification!

Have you been keeping an eye on our International Status page? If not, we’re happy to tell you that Shovel Knight has already been submitted for Europe and Australian certification for the Wii U and 3DS…way, way back on September 19th! The game has been out the door and now we’re left playing the waiting game as the game is put through its paces. We’re expecting to hear back sometime soon with an all-too real release date. Our gut instincts would tell us to expect a mid-November release but we don’t know for sure quite yet!
Even More Rewards Are On The Way!
We’re sending out more and more physical Kickstarter rewards to all you backers every day! Dirt and all! Keep an eye on your mailbox as we’ll soon be completing the last and final shipments before October is out!
Man, it’s rough having a hit game on your hands. We are totally up to our eyes in work, even though we are working every second! New regions, new platforms, new content, new modes, new games…we want to do it all! We’ll level with you – we have way too much to do. That’s why we need your help. Are you the best, most qualified, most talented person to join the Yacht Club?
Here is a much more thorough breakdown of the job description. Send your resume and everything to [email protected] See you in our inbox!
“Praise us for Prizes” Contest Winners!
Wow, we got lots of great entries! It was hard to sort through them all to decide who the best winner was… but we did it! Here’s the results!
Winner!: LordJackal and his JackalMen with Shovel Knight: A Dramedy in Seven Acts.
This entry stands above the rest for its full production scope and silly script. Other honorable mentions:
Dr. Hendricks and his hauntingly engaging guitar solo:
Gaijin Goombah with this collection of Haikus about the game:
Bubblesisshot46853 and his lyrical take on the propeller knight theme:
Ryne Sorensen’s and his time lapse woodwork in creating a Plague Knight staff:
That’s it for now, Shovelers and Shovelettes! We love you!