After way too long, the Mac version of Shovel Knight is OUT!! Get your shiny device ready for the best app to hit Apple yet!!
Steam Users – Just log in to your account and start playing!
Humble Store and – We’ll be uploading new builds shortly. Keep an eye out!
And don’t worry, Tux fans, Linux is coming so very soon!
European Version Update!
EU / AUS submissions are imminent! We are so sorry this has taken so long… and we are preemptively sorry on how much longer it’s going to take! For any updates, be sure to check out the following page: /2014/07/shovel-knight-international-status/

Physical Rewards are being boxed up!
At long last, rewards are being packed up, put into boxes, addressed and labelled! Boxes, CDs, Manuals, Design Cards, Dirt Letters, AHHH! We’re going to send them out next week! Here are some pictures of the chaos of shipping 1500 packages!!

Contest Winners will be announced soon!
We’re buried, but we haven’t forgotten the Praise us for Prizes Contest! We have some great entries… and we’ll announce winners in our next update!