FOR SHOVELRY! After near endless days of bleary-eyed internal testing and bug fixing, we opened this week by creating a gold master candidate of Shovel Knight! That means we have a potentially finished version of the game which is ready to go live! Now we are in the submission and certification process for platform holders. That’s when external teams verify that the game works as expected. If everything checks out on their side, then they’ll prepare the game to go live on their digital storefront and get back to us with a true, solid release date.
But! If they uncover any issues that somehow slipped by our team then the game will “bounce” back to us for a fix! So… at this point, even the Yacht Club is playing the waiting game.
After designing, implementing, iterating, and bug fixing for over a year, the team here is really stoked about where the final version of the game landed. We think it’s our best work yet, and we hope you will enjoy playing Shovel Knight! Here’s a screen shot of the final game, free of explanation!

It’s Mega May 2014! Let’s Stream!
Happy Mega May Everyone! We’ve really really missed you guys, but the crazy crunch time is over for now, so let’s rejoice this whole month by playing some Mega Man… together!
We want to kick it off right with a Stream TONIGHT at 7PM PDT! We’ll be playing Mega Man, hanging out, and catching everyone up on all things Yacht Club. Join us, won’t you?